April 20, 2024

After the dust settled and all the shuckers were put away the team had reason to celebrate - Roastin' GSO had just raised over $60,000 for Reelin’ for Research and UNC Children's Hospital!

Thank you to our sponsors (below), to RetroVinyl and Radio Revolver, all the volunteers, the auction and raffle donors, and everyone that came out Saturday, and/or bid in the auction. Special thanks to our title sponsor, the Tucker Family Foundation, and last but definitely not least our friends at Bender’s Tavern, who kept the excellent food coming and beverages flowing!
-Ken & Lee's Crew

Tucker Family Foundation | Bay Hill Seafood Sales | Roane Law | Arden Homes | Forbis and Dick Funeral Services | Tito's Vodka | Due South Fishing Charters | Maynard-Nexsen | Parks Buick GMC | Brown Investment Properties | ER Law | Howell's Motor Freight | Piedmont Natural Gas

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